2011年6月27日 星期一
Kudrsoft Aesop GIF Creator v一.6.525 英文正式版(動態GIF圖像製作軟體)
Kudrsoft Aesop GIF Creator v一.六.525 英文正式版(動態GIF圖像製作軟體)
商品名稱: Kudrsoft Aesop GIF Creator v一.六.525
商品分類: 3D動畫、模子、模具軟體
商品類型: 動態GIF圖像製作軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 九x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 200七-03-0七
熱門標籤: 動態GIF圖像製作軟體
Aesop GIF Creator是1款強大的動態GIF圖像製作工具。采集條幅, 按鈕, 標籤, 行和
"Aesop" is a powerful tool that allows you to create animated GIF
images (banners, buttons, labels, lines and headings) for web-sites
and even logos for mobile phones quickly and easily.
EximiousSoft GIF Creator v3.六5 繁體中文正式版(GIF動畫製作軟體)
Blaze GIF Creator v5.六0 英文正式版(GIF動畫製作軟體)
Advanced ID Creator v七.一2.32 Enterprise Edition Multilingual dotNET 英文正式版(圖像處理軟體)
Animated GIF Producer v3.3 英文正式版(動畫、按鈕和廣告條製作軟體)
River Past Animated GIF Booster Pack v2.2.七 英文正式版(插件軟體)
HydeSoft Computing DPlot v二.1.0.5 英文正式版(處理分歧數據源的二D、3D數據軟體)
HydeSoft Computing DPlot v二.1.0.5 英文正式版(處理不同數據源的二D、3D數據軟體)
商品名稱: HydeSoft Computing DPlot v二.1.0.5
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 處理不同數據源的二D、3D數據軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 九x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 二000/WIN XP/WIN 二003
更新日期: 二007-03-07
熱門標籤: 3D數據軟體
工程師及别的領域的人員而設計的,DPlot的簡明易懂的界面將會吸引任何對創建 X-Y標
粒大小分拨立体圖,動態數據交換圖或由公式產生。源代碼,如:Visual Basic 和 C的
演示驅動程式也被包含在內。 DPlot可運行在Windows 九5, 九8, 二000, ME, NT, 和XP平
DPlot graphs and manipulates 二D and 3D data from a variety of sources in
many different formats. While designed for scientists, engineers, and
other technical fields, DPlot's straightforward interface will appeal to
anybody interested in creating presentation-quality X-Y plots and/or
contour plots of 3D data. DPlot runs on Windows 九5, 九8, 二000, ME, NT,
二003, and XP.
Enjoy another fine release from HERiTAGE!
HydeSoft Computing DPlot v二.1.1.8 WinALL Incl 英文正式版(圖形表示和處理二D/3D數據軟體)
HydeSoft Computing DPlot v二.二.6.7 英文正式版(行業相關圖形表示和處理二D/3D數據軟體)
HydeSoft Computing DPlot v二.3.0.九 英文正式版(圖形表示軟體
HydeSoft Computing DPlot v二.1.0.二 英文正式版(圖形表示和處理不同形式數據源的二D、3D數據軟體)
HydeSoft Computing DPlot v二.1.1.8 Incl 英文正式版(行業相關圖形表示和處理二D/3D數據軟體)
Lucky Monkey Designs FlashyEffects v1.2.1 英文正式版(動畫製作軟體)
Lucky Monkey Designs FlashyEffects v1.二.1 英文正式版(動畫製作軟體)
商品名稱: Lucky Monkey Designs FlashyEffects v1.二.1
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 動畫製作軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 二000/WIN XP/WIN 二003
更新日期: 二007-03-07
熱門標籤: 動畫製作軟體
Designed to let you be productive and get results in minutes, FlashyEffects
(a lite version of KoolMoves) focuses on text and image effects.
FlashyEffectsFlashyEffects is ideal for non-professional 网站 designers who
do not require the advanced features of KoolMoves.
Featuring a wizard-driven user interface, no knowledge of Flash is required
to create your animations.
Lucky Monkey Designs FlashyEffects v1.二.0 英文正式版(動畫製作軟體)
Lucky Monkey Designs KoolMoves v5.7.6 英文正式版(動畫製作軟體)
Lucky Monkey Designs KoolMoves v6.0 Retail 英文正式版(動畫製作軟體)
3D Object Converter v4.00 英文正式版(3D模型轉換及检查軟體)
3D Object Converter v四.00 英文正式版(3D模子轉換及查抄軟體)
商品名稱: 3D Object Converter v四.00
商品分類: 3D動畫、模子、模具軟體
商品類型: 3D模子轉換及查抄軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-03-10
熱門標籤: Converter
Name: xJsMAA UnderPl
Serial: 5M四X四NYD
件款式。声援Windows95/98/Me/NT/2K/XP/XP 6四/Vista。
This page is the official homepage for 3D Object Converter, a
powerful 3d model translation and interactive viewing shareware
tool that allows arbitrary 3d model data to be imported from
external sources, exported to various industry standard 3d file
formats with great accuracy and quality. The program supports
四68 file formats. It is available for Windows95/98/Me/NT/2K/2003
/XP/XP 6四/Vista.
3D Object Converter v四.101 英文正式版(3D模子轉換及交互式查抄軟體)
3D Object Converter v四.02四 英文正式版(3D模子轉換及交互式查抄軟體)
3D Object Converter v四.20四 英文正式版(3D模子轉換和交互式查抄共享工具軟體)
SoftDD Image Thumbnailer and Converter v2.四6 英文正式版(創建圖像的縮略圖,轉換圖片款式,創建網頁,整修圖像大小軟體)
Picture-Desk Batch Converter v1.2 英文正式版(圖像處理軟體)
KoolMoves v5.7.5 英文正式版(網站動畫製作軟體声援製作動畫 GIF、製作笔墨特效等)
KoolMoves v5.7.5 英文正式版(網站動畫製作軟體支援製作動畫 GIF、製作翰墨特效等)
商品名稱: KoolMoves v5.7.5
商品分類: 三D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 網站動畫製作軟體支援製作動畫 GIF、製作翰墨特效等
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 200三
更新日期: 2007-0三-05
熱門標籤: 製作翰墨特效等
Name: Anything
Key: 7gQ5-aFBg
KoolMoves 是1個網站動畫製作軟體。能夠製作 Flash movies 以及其余與動畫相關。
Flash movies 是1種壓縮率相當高的網路動畫文件花式。該軟體還能夠製作動畫 GIF、
製作翰墨特效、導入向量剪貼畫、附加 WAV 音頻文件;為翰墨按鈕和幀减少動作以及其
Used by both professionals and novices to create rich interactive
content for web sites, KoolMoves is a popular Flash authoring
tool with rave industry reviews!
KoolMovesAs Flash has developed into the standard for animation
on the web, KoolMoves has emerged as an advanced but low cost
alternative to Flash.
Combining ease-of-use with a wealth of powerful animation effects,
KoolMoves makes it easy and inexpensive to create professional
quality Flash animations for web sites.
Lucky Monkey Designs KoolMoves v5.7.六 英文正式版(動畫製作軟體)
Lucky Monkey Designs KoolMoves v六.0 Retail 英文正式版(動畫製作軟體)
Panorado v3.3.1.156 英文正式版(圖片3D意念查抄器軟體)
Panorado v3.3.1.156 英文正式版(圖片3D意念检查器軟體)
商品名稱: Panorado v3.3.1.156
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 圖片3D意念检查器軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 二000/WIN XP/WIN 二003
更新日期: 二007-03-0八
熱門標籤: Panorado
panorado is a comfortable image viewer with special support for
very large pictures and panoramic pictures.
It's a standalone Windows application and doesn't require a 网站 browser.
^ Navigation bar and preview images ^ Movable panoramic image
What is unique about Panorado?
It's comfortable and very much "mouse-aware". It provides two
different mouse modes for panning around the picture. For zooming in
and out, you simply rotate the mouse wheel. Soft zooming, soft panning
and soft fading provide a very comfortable viewing impression. It
specially supports large pictures and panoramic pictures. Your
pictures are allowed to largely exceed the screen size.
Panoramic pictures are recognized automatically and eventually
displayed as spherical seamless 360?images. It supports 1四 graphics
file formats. These are: JPEG, GIF, BMP, WMF, EMF, ICO, CUR, TGA, PCX,
PNG, TIFF, JPEG 二000, PNM, and RAS. Starting with version 3.0,
there's also support for Quicktime panoramas (with the usual JPEG or
CVID compression)! It helps you to survey large amounts of pictures.
The navigation bar which can be activated on the left side lets you
browse through pictures in different folders and on different
drives. Not only hard drives, but also CDs, DVDs, memory cards,
and digital cameras. The navigation bar provides file management
capabilities which are very similar to those of the Windows Explorer.
A right click, for example, will start your favorite image editor.
The new version 3.3 Image Finder Tool helps you to find images
by name, keywords or location, and perform 10 different batch
operations like copying, renaming, rotating, or inserting copyright
notices. It provides full metadata support. This applies to EXIF and
IPTC Data; it's a new feature! EXIF data (like exposure time and
some more exposure details) is generated by most digital cameras.
IPTC is a standard for textual information used in the media
business. Editable metadata provides a set of new possibilities.
It automatically recognizes file changes. If any of the files listed
or displayed are affected, these files will be redrawn. It's fast.
Panorado uses DirectDraw to make best use of your graphics hardware.
This makes your pictures move across the screen as smooth as
possible. It supplies a true full screen mode. See your pictures with
no buttons on the edges. It shows thumbnails of all pictures in
one folder. In extreme "landscape" format, if desired. EXIF thumbnail
support makes it still faster. You can toggle between thumbnail
view and list view with image descriptions. It provides a slide
show running automatically. Panning through panoramic pictures by 360
degrees, if you like. You can interrupt and resume a show anytime.
It supports printing. In case you want to see your pictures on paper.
It contains a toolbox for creating 5 special projection effects.
This is a new version 3.0 feature: Try some fascinating projection
effects, like cubic or polar projection! It includes a tool for
burning picture disks. Along with the pictures, the CD or DVD
created contains the Panorado software which makes it ready-to-play
immediately. This feature requires Windows XP or Nero Burning Rom.
It can show an image's location in Google Earth. Press a button and
"fly" there - this is one of the exiting features which are
enabled by image metadata! It provides an English user interface. And
German, of course. It's really simple. I'm sure you won't really need
the online help - but have a look at it though!
Panorado v3.3.1.1八6 英文正式版(圖片3D意念检查軟體)
Zoner PhotoStudio Enterprise v10.0.10 英文正式版(數字照相機用戶的通用工具軟體)
Panorado v3.3.1.1八二 英文正式版(圖片3D意念检查軟體)
Panorado v3.3.1.159 Bilingual 英文正式版(圖片3D意念检查器軟體)
Panorado v3.3.1.1八8 英文正式版(圖片3D意念检查器軟體)
Atomistix ToolKit v2.一 英文正式版(虛擬納米實驗室的建模與仿真阐发軟體)
Atomistix ToolKit v2.一 英文正式版(虛擬納米實驗室的建模與仿真解析軟體)
商品名稱: Atomistix ToolKit v2.一
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 虛擬納米實驗室的建模與仿真解析軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-03-05
熱門標籤: ToolKit
ATK is a first principles electronic structure program capable of
modelling electrical properties of nanostructured systems coupled
to semi-infinite electrodes. The two electrodes, for instance,
could be a nanotube and a metal, and the nanostructure could be
the interface region between the two systems. Other typical
systems include molecules between metal surfaces and interfaces
between materials.
ATK is based on non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF)
techniques, and is capable of treating situations in which the
two electrodes have different electrochemical potentials, i.e.
in which an external bias voltage is applied across the
nanostructure. It can calculate the electrical current, voltage
drop across the junction, electron transmission waves, etc.
ATK is also capable of performing conventional electronic
structure simulations on isolated and periodic systems. The
program is based on very efficient electronic structure methods
and is a very accurate and efficient method for geometry
Atomistix ToolKit v2008 02 英文正式版(複雜材料結構的建模與仿真解析軟體)
Atomistix ToolKit v2.3.2 英文正式版(複雜材料結構的建模與仿真解析軟體)
ImagePDF PDF OCR Compressor Toolkit SDK v2.一 DC 030一20一1 英文正式版(圖形格式轉換軟體)
CMLabs Vortex Simulation Toolkit v3.0 英文正式版(模型物理成效模擬平台軟體)
NI LabVIEW 网络 Toolkit v6.0.2 英文正式版(虛擬儀器軟體)
Geocap v4.2.67 英文正式版(地理資訊系統的建模和顯示器材庫的軟體)
Geocap v4.2.67 英文正式版(地舆資訊系統的建模和顯示对象庫的軟體)
商品名稱: Geocap v4.2.67
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 地舆資訊系統的建模和顯示对象庫的軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-03-05
熱門標籤: 地舆資訊系統的建模
Geocap 為一地舆資訊系統的多死守建模和顯示的对象庫, 首要用於煤油及人造氣勘测行
Geocap is our main software product. It is used for mapping and
modeling of surface structures like reservoir horizons and seabed
and continental shelf structures. Input to modeling can be seismic
and sonar data, well data and faults or in general any surface
information. Having modeled the structures, a lot of calculations
can be performed: volumetrics, drainage areas, attribute maps,
extremal values, cross sections and much more. The system is
frequently used in large-scale studies in concession rounds or
seabed and continental shelf studies.
All data can be mapped to high quality 3D screen graphics and
cartographic high quality Postscript plotting.
Geocaps potential for use in a number of areas is the reason we
call it a toolbox. It has a built-in language based on Tcl and
this language makes Geocap a highly versatile system. The language
may be used as a simple set of commands or it can be used to
create entire applications with a Qt graphical user interface.
Examples of basic Geocap Functionality The key module of Geocap
consists of basic functionality for modeling and mapping of
reservoir data and surfaces in general. Having created a model,
one can calculate volumes, perform cross sections, and display maps
containing line contours, color bands, attributes, texture maps and
images. See this link for examples.
Additional Modules Geocap comes with the option of adding several
modules to the basic system. A module typically contains
functionality within a special area of interest such as Eclipse
post-processing or MonteCarlo simulation. Modules will not work
without Geocap itself. Modules are added through the concept of
plug-ins. This means that they can be loaded at run-time when
they are needed.
GSV (Geocap Seismic Viewer) This stand-alone product enables you to
view seismic cubes in 3D. It includes calculation of attributes and
visualization of horizons together with the seismic.
Geocap UNCLOS A product for shelf mapping and determination of the
continental shelf beyond the 200 nautical mile limit (according to
article 76 in the United Nations Law of the Sea). This module
together with Geocap contains a complete set of functionality which
a nation needs to determine and map the new outer limit of the
continental shelf.
Geocap v4.2.60-AGAiN 英文正式版(地舆訊息系統多死守模型建製和顯示軟體)
CURIOUS WORLD MAPS V7.2D 英文正式版(製作地圖和地理學動畫的軟體)
CURIOUS WORLD MAPS V7.2D 英文正式版(製作地圖和地理學動畫的軟體)
商品分類: 三D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 製作地圖和地理學動畫的軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 200三
更新日期: 2007-0三-08
熱門標籤: 地理學動畫軟體
1.) Install Curious World Maps 7.2d Update, Password is: camera55pen
2.) extract crack.zip into your Curious World Maps directory and move curiousmaps.
lic to the Licenses Subdirectory
三.) Run patch.bat
4.) restart
5.) That's it
Curious World Maps是最神速、最通用和最經濟的製作高質量地圖和地理學動畫的工具
,用於TV和視頻行業。為举世主要廣播公司和企業所独霸,World Maps使你能以你渴望
,天下上一流的企業如:ABC, CBS, CNN和NBC等每天都在独霸。
Curious World Maps is the fastest, most versatile and cost- effective
way to create quality maps and geographical animations for TV
and video. In use around the world by major broadcasters and
corporations, World Maps lets you take your audience straight
to the scene of the action and show them every detail - the way you
want them to see it.
For your creative team:
* Combine the power of GIS with the creative control of a high-end
graphics tool
* Create stunning maps in your own customisable style
* From the whole world down to a single city block
* Using satellite or aerial photography and super-detailed
elevation data
* In 2D or 三D
* For still images, animation or print
For your business:
* Differentiate your content to attract more viewers
* Radically increase the efficiency of your on-air graphics team
* Generate a fast Return on Investment
* Provide industry proven software solutions
* Eradicate the need for specialist stand-alone hardware
Curious World Maps is the industry standard map graphics solution.
You'll see it in daily use by the best in the business including ABC,
CBS, CNN, NBC and many others around the world. Join them today!
Curious Labs Poser V5.0 正式版(兩片裝)
TomTom Maps of Western Europe v8.15.20三4.2GB Retail 英文正式版(GPS電子中西部歐洲地圖軟體)(DVD版)
TomTom Maps of US Southeast Region v8.25.2159 英文正式版
Curious Labs Shade Professional V7.2.1.三80410 三D 繪圖 英文專業版
TomTom Maps of Europe 2G v8.40.2566 英文正式版(應用軟體)(DVD版)
Sothink Glanda v4.1.七0209 英文正式版(flash動畫製作軟體)
Sothink Glanda v四.1.70209 英文正式版(flash動畫製作軟體)
商品名稱: Sothink Glanda v四.1.70209
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: flash動畫製作軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-03-08
熱門標籤: flash動畫製作軟體
Registration Name: anotherone666@goodmails.de
Registration Key : 000015-5NQ12E-U8GKPH-P81N7G-KK1QGU-QYDU2K-T712GY-JZF8WR-Y1YV97-0VN22A
Sothink Glanda是1款適合初、中級用戶的flash動畫製作器械,用它能以簡單、疾速的
An easy Flash animation software totally for beginners. Create
Flash banners, greeting cards and photo albums within clicks!
More than 1000 images, 60 animation effects and 30 templates
built inside are free to use. It is the fastest and easiest
way to create your own Flash works professionally.
Sothink Tree Menu v2.10.70313 英文正式版(編程開發軟體)
TurboSquid Turbo ToolKit v2.0 for 3DS Max R 9 x64 英文正式版(3ds max插件的軟體)
TurboSquid Turbo ToolKit v2.0 for 3DS Max R 9 x64 英文正式版(3ds max插件的軟體)
商品名稱: TurboSquid Turbo ToolKit v2.0 for 3DS Max R 9 x64
商品分類: 3D動畫、模子、模具軟體
商品類型: 3ds max插件的軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-02-28
熱門標籤: 3DS
1. extract
2. install
3. Place DCPFLICS.dlu in ...\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\plugins\Afterworks\Co妹妹on
4. Place TSRegisterNow.dll in ...\Autodesk\3ds Max 9
征求10個Discreet民间認證的3ds max插件,Turbo Squid是天下最大的3D軟體提供者和
Discreet指定的3ds max插件供應商.
The biggest and best collection of Discreet Certified 3ds max Plug-ins just
got more compelling! The Turbo Toolkit 2 removes the need for decision
making regarding which plug-ins to buy, replacing it with an extremely
cost-effective suite of 10 high-end plug-ins. It's a dream come true for
power users including,
* hairfx, from Dimension Design Animation Group (DDAG)
This hair and fur creation tool supports physics from clothfx and
reactor 2 to give artists unprecedented control and realism.
* clothfx, from Size8 Software
clothfx provides users with a multitude of advanced tools necessary
to create realistic fabrics and tailor-made clothing for characters and
creatures. clothfx is versatile, powerful, and intuitive, with unique
collision detection tools.
* finalRender Stage-1, from cebas Computer GmbH
Top selling rendering and raytracing solution with unlimited network
rendering, 10 CPU distributed rendering, global illumination, true 3d
motion blur, Sub-Surface Scattering, and nine camera types to name just
a few of the many features.
* AfterBurn3, from Sitni Sati
The de facto standard particle effects solution that enables
rendering of realistic effects ranging from clouds, pyroclastic smoke,
dust, and explosions, to liquid metals, water and various procedurally
defined "solid" objects.
* Absolute Character Tools 1.6 PRO, from cgCharacter
ACT is the world's finest muscle and skin system available. It
enables animators to create realistic character animation with ease and
speed. ACT also includes cgAdam and cgEve, two complete human skeletal,
muscle and skin character sets - all rigged and ready to animate.
* Particle Flow Tools: Box 1, from Orbaz Technologies, Inc.
A collection of Particle Flow operators (including painting, utilities,
and grouping) designed to extend Particle Flow within Discreet's 3ds max.
* DreamScape2, from Sitni Sati
This is a tightly integrated suite of modeling and animation tools for
building complete environments including mountainous landscapes,
realistic skies, and bodies of water.
* Kaldera, from Mankua
Lets users render full scene information into special texture maps based
on an object's appearance and relationship between itself and other objects
in the scene. These texture maps are then "baked" into the object so they
can be used to display the textured object rapidly on Direct3D devices
such as graphics display cards or game engines.
* finalToon, from cebas Computer GmbH
finalToon doubles as both a cartoon renderer and a technical illustrator.
This true line renderer is packed with features and line types that deliver
anti-aliased quality with unparalleled speed.
* Texture Layers 2, from Mankua
Texture Layers is a mapping and texturing suite composed of two
different 3ds max plug-ins. One is an "all-in-one" UVW Mapping layering
tool and the other is a powerful Compositor Map material for material
blending between mapping layers.
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 1 for 3DS Max R 9 x64 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成绩插件軟體)
SITNI SATI FUMEFX V1.0A FOR 3DS MAX 2008 X64 英文正式版(支援3DS mAX的氣液仿真模擬軟體)
TurboSquid Turbo Toolkit v2.0 R7 英文光碟正式版(3dmAX插件包)
Mankua Kaldera for 3DS Max R 9 x64 英文正式版(物材質紋理貼圖製作插件軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 3 Pro for 3DS Max R 9 x64 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成绩插件軟體)
CyberMotion 3D-Designer v12.0.0.6 英文正式版(3D模型設計軟體)
CyberMotion 3D-Designer v12.0.0.6 英文正式版(3D模型設計軟體)
商品名稱: CyberMotion 3D-Designer v12.0.0.6
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 3D模型設計軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 九x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-03-08
熱門標籤: 3D模型設計軟體
3D仿真、動態模組、光源追蹤貼圖及许多的殊效,如 lens flares、motion blurs、網
點、倒影、通明化、及volumetric lighting。CyberMotion也有說明與索引的線上手冊
Wherever we look, we encounter virtual worlds. Whether in Hollywood
or daily advertisements, the world that is presented to the viewer
will be a mainly artificial creation. At last, you too can create
these surreal worlds at home, practice inside or outside architecture,
design products or promotional logos and films or build your own
virtual worlds using the build in landscape designer and atmospheric
background models. All the modules required to generate, model and
manipulate, animate and represent the three-dimensional world are
integrated into one program: i.e. all actions are controlled directly
by CyberMotion. There is a choice of several rendering algorithms,
from simple scanline (depth buffer) to up-to-date global illumination
rendering methods using raytracing and photon mapping.
The possibilities to define object surfaces, light conditions and
backgrounds are almost inexhaustible - visual libraries and fast
preview windows in the main dialogs invite to experiment and play
around with this vast functionality.
Complex 3D animations can be set up very easily - you can animate all
objects, camera and light settings, backgrounds, fire, water and even
clouds and fog in the atmosphere. You can arrange objects in
hierarchies to animate jointed models or robots and easily position
joints with the help of Inverse Kinematics.
CyberMotion 3D-Designer V10.02 英文光碟正式版(3D模型建製工具)
CyberMotion 3D Designer v12.0.0.5 英文正式版(3D模型設計軟體)
CyberMotion 3D-Designer V10.0 3D 英文版(模型設計工具)
CyberMotion 3D-Designer V11.0.50.6 英文光碟正式版(3D 模型建製工具)
CyberMotion 3D-Designer V10.01 英文版(3D 模型設計工具)
HeavyMath Stereopic v三.2.5.4六七7 英文正式版(輔助天生三D立體圖像的軟體)
HeavyMath Stereopic v3.二.5.4677 英文正式版(輔助生成3D立體圖像的軟體)
商品名稱: HeavyMath Stereopic v3.二.5.4677
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 輔助生成3D立體圖像的軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 九x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 二000/WIN XP/WIN 二003
更新日期: 二007-03-01
熱門標籤: 輔助生成3D立體圖像軟體
HeavyMath StereoPic 是1款輔助生成3D立體圖像的器材,它可以預覽兩個攝像頭對某
HeavyMath StereoPic v3.6 英文正式版(輔助生成3D立體圖像的軟體)
HeavyMath StereoPic v3.4.5.0 英文正式版(輔助生成3D立體圖像的器材軟體)
HeavyMath StereoPic v3.5.0.0 英文正式版(立體照片生成軟體)
HeavyMath Stereopic v3.二.7.487九 英文正式版(生成3D立體圖像的軟體)
HeavyMath StereoPic v3.5.3.0 英文正式版(輔助生成3D立體圖像的軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 3 Pro for 3DS Max R 9 x32 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成绩插件軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 3 Pro for 3DS Max R 九 x32 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成果插件軟體)
商品名稱: Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 3 Pro for 3DS Max R 九 x32
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 製作爆炸等成果插件軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 九x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 200七-02-2八
熱門標籤: 3DS
1. extract
2. install
3. Place DCPFLICS.dlu in ...\Autodesk\3ds Max 九\plugins\Afterworks\Co妹妹on
四. Place TSRegisterNow.dll in ...\Autodesk\3ds Max 九
Box#1 擴展了原 Particle Flow 系統, 新增了3類1四個算法; Box#3則讓你對成果有更全
面的管教, 你以致概略開發你自己的殊效算法。這裡提供的是3ds Max 32位和6四位平台
Particle Flow Tools is a set of operators and other software tools created
by the original author of Particle Flow for extending its capabilities.
Some of these are improved versions of the features in Particle Studio,
Atomizer, Glider and Spray Master plug-ins, while others are brand new,
designed to the specifications of top Hollywood special-effects artists who
use them in movie production. You can drop the Particle Flow Tools plug-ins
into your 3ds max installation and instantly start using its powerful
capabilities to organize and ease your workflow, as well as create amazing
particle effects that were previously impossible or would have required
extensive scripting.
Particle Flow Tools consist of freeware and co妹妹ercial software.
The co妹妹ercial software is organized into Boxes.
Particle Flow Tools: Box#3 Pro
As soon as the original Particle Flow for 3ds Max was released,
special-effects wizards started clamoring for more control over their
particle effects. Particle Flow Tools: Box#3 Pro is the answer to their
(and your) prayers, giving you ultimate power over your particle system.
Design your own operators and tests by combining 23 different suboperators
with the unique new Data Flow GUI. Mix and match data types, access objects
and other particle systems in the 3ds Max scene, set up complex
calculations with a few clicks: It's all within your grasp with Box#3 Pro!
Also included are two powerful new Cache operators and Display Data for
monitoring your custom and other operators. Don't forget the icing on the
cake: a variety of amazing presets for using as is or customizing to your
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 3 Pro for 3DS Max R 九 x6四 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成果插件軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 1 for 3DS Max R 九 x32 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成果插件軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 1 for 3DS Max R 九 x6四 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成果插件軟體)
ORBAZ PFTBOX3 PRO V1.53 3DSMAX 2010 X32 英文正式版(粒子流體工具軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 1 for 三DS Max R 9 x六4 英文正式版(製作爆炸等效果插件軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 1 for 3DS Max R 九 x64 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成果插件軟體)
商品名稱: Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 1 for 3DS Max R 九 x64
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 製作爆炸等成果插件軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 九x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 200七-02-28
熱門標籤: 3DS
1. extract
2. install
3. Place DCPFLICS.dlu in ...\Autodesk\3ds Max 九\plugins\Afterworks\Common
4. Place TSRegisterNow.dll in ...\Autodesk\3ds Max 九
Box#1 擴展了原 Particle Flow 系統, 新增了3類14個算法; Box#3則讓你對成果有更全
面的管制, 你甚至或许開發你本人的殊效算法。這裡供给的是3ds Max 32位和64位平台
Particle Flow Tools is a set of operators and other software tools created
by the original author of Particle Flow for extending its capabilities.
Some of these are improved versions of the features in Particle Studio,
Atomizer, Glider and Spray Master plug-ins, while others are brand new,
designed to the specifications of top Hollywood special-effects artists
who use them in movie production. You can drop the Particle Flow Tools
plug-ins into your 3ds max installation and instantly start using its
powerful capabilities to organize and ease your workflow, as well as
create amazing particle effects that were previously impossible or would
have required extensive scripting.
Particle Flow Tools consist of freeware and commercial software.
The commercial software is organized into Boxes.
Particle Flow Tools: Box#1
The plug-in extends the power of the original Particle Flow system with
14 new operators in three categories: Painting, Groups, and Utilities.
The Painting tools cause particles to emit from hand-specified parts of
objects, or based on animated textures. The Group tools let you create
specific subsets of particles and then apply commands to those particles
only. And Utilities covers a range of functionality for optimization,
managing Particle View, and even creating new particles from preset
shapes including alphanumeric characters and musical notes (2D and 3D).
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 3 Pro for 3DS Max R 九 x64 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成果插件軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 1 for 3DS Max R 九 x32 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成果插件軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 3 Pro for 3DS Max R 九 x32 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成果插件軟體)
Mankua Kaldera for 3DS Max R 九 x64 英文正式版(物材質紋理貼圖製作插件軟體)
SITNI SATI FUMEFX V1.0A FOR 3DS MAX 2008 X64 英文正式版(声援3DS mAX的氣液仿真模擬軟體)
Understand for Jovial v1.四.393 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體声援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和理解等)
Understand for Jovial v一.4.三9三 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和了解等)
商品名稱: Understand for Jovial v一.4.三9三
商品分類: 三D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和了解等
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 200三
更新日期: 2007-02-2六
熱門標籤: 了解等
Understand 系列是 Scientific Toolworks, Inc. 發行的逆向工程軟體,支援源代碼反
和了解大量的程式源代碼。分別為針對 Jovial 的適用於 HPUX、WINDOWS、IRIX、LINUX
Understand for Jovial v一.4.三9三 IRIX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程/自動文檔天生/代碼導航和了解等)
Understand for Jovial v一.4.三95 英文正式版(編程開發環境軟體)
Understand for Jovial v一.4.4一0 英文正式版(逆向工程編程開發軟體)
Understand for Jovial v一.4.三9三 HPUX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程/自動文檔天生/代碼導航和了解等)
Understand for Java v一.4.三9三 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體增援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔生成、代碼導航和领会等)
Understand for Java v1.4.三9三 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和认识等)
商品名稱: Understand for Java v1.4.三9三
商品分類: 三D動畫、模子、模具軟體
商品類型: 逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和认识等
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 200三
更新日期: 2007-02-2六
熱門標籤: 认识等
Understand 系列是 Scientific Toolworks, Inc. 發行的逆向工程軟體,支援源代碼反
和认识大量的程式源代碼。分別為針對 Java 的適用於 HPUX、WINDOWS、IRIX、LINUX
Intel XML Software Suite for Java v1.2.0 英文正式版(編程開發軟體)
TGS Open Inventor v7.1 for Java 1.5 英文正式版(對象導向繪圖軟體開發介面(API)軟體)
Intel XML Software Suite for Java v1.1.0 英文正式版( Java* 環境的英代爾 XML 軟體套件軟體)
Understand for Java v1.4.三9三 HPUX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程/自動文檔天生/代碼導航和认识等)
Understand for Java v1.4.410 英文正式版(逆向工程編程開發軟體)
Understand for Fortran v1.4.三9三 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體声援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和意识等)
Understand for Fortran v1.4.393 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔生成、代碼導航和理解等)
商品名稱: Understand for Fortran v1.4.393
商品分類: 3D動畫、模子、模具軟體
商品類型: 逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔生成、代碼導航和理解等
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-02-26
熱門標籤: 理解等
Understand 系列是 Scientific Toolworks, Inc. 發行的逆向工程軟體,支援源代碼反
和理解少量的程式源代碼。分別為針對 Fortran 的適用於 HPUX、WINDOWS、IRIX、
LINUX 平台的版本。
Understand for Fortran v1.4.39五 英文正式版(FORTRAN逆向工程軟體)
NI TestStand v4.1.ISO 英文正式版(測試執行打算軟體)
Deform 2D V八.1.0.1五.2八 英文光碟正式版(金屬成形无穷元素模擬)
JFormDesigner v3.1.1 英文正式版(創新型Java Swing的圖形用戶界面/GUI設計軟體)
NI Teststand v4.0 英文正式版
Mankua Kaldera for 三DS Max R 九 x64 英文正式版(物材質紋理貼圖製作插件軟體)
Mankua Kaldera for 3DS Max R 9 x64 英文正式版(物材質紋理貼圖製作插件軟體)
商品名稱: Mankua Kaldera for 3DS Max R 9 x64
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 物材質紋理貼圖製作插件軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-02-28
熱門標籤: 3DS
一. extract
2. install
3. Place DCPFLICS.dlu in ...\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\plugins\Afterworks\Co妹妹on
4. Place TSRegisterNow.dll in ...\Autodesk\3ds Max 9
Mankua.Kaldera是Mankua出品的一款景物材質紋理貼圖製作插件。或许在你的3DS MAX的
景物中提取材質紋理資訊,减少和修改你的部门景物視覺效果。這裡供应的是3ds Max
Kaldera is a 3dsmax utility plugin that lets you render full scene
information into texture maps based on the object's appearance and
relationship between itself, other objects, and elements in the scene.
The resulting texture maps are then "baked" into the object; that is,
they become part of the object via mapping, and can be used to display
the textured object rapidly on Direct3D devices such as graphic display
cards or game engines.
Key Features:
* Unlimited Source Objects.
* Source objects don't require mapping channels.
* Extensive arsenal of tools to resolve hits.
* Special Normals map included to allow rendering and previewing inside
3ds max.
* Ability to mix different Normals using alpha channel to blend the
resulting Normals map.
* Generate up to eight separate maps for each model including: Normals,
* Height, Alpha, Lighting, Shadow, Atmospheric and more.
* Sophisticated filtering technology allows clean output of maps
Mankua Kaldera for 3DS Max R 9 x32 英文正式版(物材質紋理貼圖製作插件軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 3 Pro for 3DS Max R 9 x64 英文正式版(製作爆炸等效果插件軟體)
TurboSquid Turbo ToolKit v2.0 for 3DS Max R 9 x64 英文正式版(3ds max插件的軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 一 for 3DS Max R 9 x64 英文正式版(製作爆炸等效果插件軟體)
SITNI SATI FUMEFX V一.0A FOR 3DS MAX 2008 X64 英文正式版(声援3DS mAX的氣液仿真模擬軟體)
Mankua Kaldera for 三DS Max R 9 x三2 英文正式版(物材質紋理貼圖製作插件軟體)
Mankua Kaldera for 三DS Max R 9 x三2 英文正式版(物材質紋理貼圖製作插件軟體)
商品名稱: Mankua Kaldera for 三DS Max R 9 x三2
商品分類: 三D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 物材質紋理貼圖製作插件軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 200三
更新日期: 2007-02-28
熱門標籤: 三DS
1. extract
2. install
三. Place DCPFLICS.dlu in ...\Autodesk\三ds Max 9\plugins\Afterworks\Co妹妹on
4. Place TSRegisterNow.dll in ...\Autodesk\三ds Max 9
Mankua.Kaldera是Mankua出品的一款景物材質紋理貼圖製作插件。或者在你的三DS MAX的
景物中提取材質紋理資訊,增加和修正你的一小块景物視覺成果。這裡供应的是三ds Max
Kaldera is a 三dsmax utility plugin that lets you render full scene
information into texture maps based on the object's appearance and
relationship between itself, other objects, and elements in the scene.
The resulting texture maps are then "baked" into the object; that is,
they become part of the object via mapping, and can be used to display
the textured object rapidly on Direct三D devices such as graphic display
cards or game engines.
Key Features:
* Unlimited Source Objects.
* Source objects don't require mapping channels.
* Extensive arsenal of tools to resolve hits.
* Special Normals map included to allow rendering and previewing inside
三ds max.
* Ability to mix different Normals using alpha channel to blend the
resulting Normals map.
* Generate up to eight separate maps for each model including: Normals,
* Height, Alpha, Lighting, Shadow, Atmospheric and more.
* Sophisticated filtering technology allows clean output of maps
Mankua Kaldera for 三DS Max R 9 x六4 英文正式版(物材質紋理貼圖製作插件軟體)
Autodesk 三ds Max Design 2010 x三2 英文正式版(三維軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 1 for 三DS Max R 9 x三2 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成果插件軟體)
SITNI SATI FUMEFX V1.0A FOR 三DS MAX 2008 X三2 英文正式版(声援三DS mAX的氣液仿真模擬軟體)
Orbaz Particle Flow Tools Box 三 Pro for 三DS Max R 9 x三2 英文正式版(製作爆炸等成果插件軟體)
Understand for Delphi v1.4.3九3 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體增援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和认识等)
Understand for Delphi v一.4.393 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體增援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和体会等)
商品名稱: Understand for Delphi v一.4.393
商品分類: 3D動畫、模子、模具軟體
商品類型: 逆向工程軟體增援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和体会等
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-02-26
熱門標籤: 代碼導航
Understand 系列是 Scientific Toolworks, Inc. 發行的逆向工程軟體,增援源代碼反
和体会大量的程式源代碼。分別為針對 Delphi 的適用於 WINDOWS、LINUX 平台的版本。
Understand for Delphi v一.4.395 英文正式版(DELPHI反向工程軟體)
Understand for Delphi v一.4.4一0 HPUX 英文正式版(逆向工程編程開發軟體)
CodeGear Delphi & C++Builder 2009 V一2.0.3一70.一6989 英文正式版(DVD版)(資料庫設計與塑模功能軟體)
Understand for Delphi v一.4.409 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體增援源代碼反向工程/自動文檔天生/代碼導航和体会等)
Understand for Delphi v一.4.4一0 英文正式版(逆向工程編程開發軟體)
Understand for C Plus Plus v1.4.三九三 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體声援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔生成、代碼導航和熟悉等)
Understand for C Plus Plus v1.4.3九3 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和认识等)
商品名稱: Understand for C Plus Plus v1.4.3九3
商品分類: 3D動畫、模子、模具軟體
商品類型: 逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和认识等
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 九x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 200七-02-2六
熱門標籤: 自動文檔天生
Understand 系列是 Scientific Toolworks, Inc. 發行的逆向工程軟體,支援源代碼反
和认识大量的程式源代碼。分別為針對 C++ 的適用於 HPUX、WINDOWS、IRIX、LINUX 平
Understand for C Plus Plus v1.4.410 IRIX 英文正式版(逆向工程編程開發軟體)
Intel C Plus Plus Compiler V九.0.02九 英文光碟正式版(2CD)(編譯器)
Intel C Plus Plus Compiler Professional v11.1.038 英文正式版( Intel C++ 編譯器軟體)(DVD版)
Intel C Plus Plus Compiler v10.1.021 ITANIUM 英文正式版(C++ 編譯器軟體)
CD-adapco Star-CCM Plus and Cad Series v2.08 Windows六4 英文正式版(通用熱流體赏析)
2011年6月26日 星期日
Understand for Ada v1.4.393 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體声援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔天生、代碼導航和认识等)
Understand for Ada v1.4.三九三 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔生成、代碼導航和意识等)
商品名稱: Understand for Ada v1.4.三九三
商品分類: 三D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程、自動文檔生成、代碼導航和意识等
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 九x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 200三
更新日期: 2007-02-26
熱門標籤: 意识等
Understand 系列是 Scientific Toolworks, Inc. 發行的逆向工程軟體,支援源代碼反
和意识大量的程式源代碼。分別為針對 Ada 的適用於 HPUX、WINDOWS、IRIX、LINUX 平
Understand for Ada v1.4.410 HPUX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體)
Understand for Ada v1.4.三九5 英文正式版(開發環境軟體支援反向工程、自動文檔生成等)
Understand for Ada v1.4.三九三 HPUX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程/自動文檔生成/代碼導航和意识等)
Understand for Ada v1.4.410 IRIX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體)
Understand for Ada v1.4.三九三 IRIX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體支援源代碼反向工程/自動文檔生成/代碼導航和意识等)
Digital Anarchy Text Anarchy v二.二 英文正式版(笔墨成就插件七;製作文本動畫軟體)
Digital Anarchy Text Anarchy v2.2 英文正式版(笔墨造诣插件/製作文本動畫軟體)
商品名稱: Digital Anarchy Text Anarchy v2.2
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 笔墨造诣插件/製作文本動畫軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-02-26
熱門標籤: 笔墨造诣插件
Whether you're adding visual background noise, using text as a texture, or
flashing up words to reinforce some other idea in the piece, text is an
important element of your composition.
It is also one of the more difficult elements to animate in most
applications. We aim to simplify that.
Text Anarchy 2.0 is a set of eight filters for After Effects and Final Cut
Pro. Each filter provides a unique range of ways to animate text in motion.
Some of the filters use particle systems specifically designed for text.
Others allow the animation of characters on a letter by letter basis. And
still others use paths to control the look and attributes of the text.
NI LabVIEW v8.6 Digital Filter Design Toolkit 英文正式版(圖形化開發環境軟體)
2010年09月 58套 影音播放+Corel Digital Studio 2010 影音寶典+訊連科技 手段百科8 極致版 繁體中文合輯版(DVD版)
Digital Tutotrs Pipeline Development With Maya And XNA 英文正式版(視頻剪輯素材)(2CD)
Digital Tutors Shading Networks in Maya 英文教學正式版
Digital Workshop Opus Professional v6.01 英文正式版(多媒體文件製作器材軟體)
Nexgen Ergonomics ManneQuinPRO v10.2 英文正式版(設計和評估3D模型軟體)
Nexgen Ergonomics ManneQuinPRO v10.2 英文正式版(設計和評估3D模子軟體)
商品名稱: Nexgen Ergonomics ManneQuinPRO v10.2
商品分類: 3D動畫、模子、模具軟體
商品類型: 設計和評估3D模子軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 200七-02-26
熱門標籤: 評估3D模子軟體
Bringing Simplicity to Human Modeling.
The new ManneQuinPRO 10 allows you to easily and economically test
your designs for ergonomic compatibility.
With just a few clicks of the mouse, gain total confidence that your
design is ready to take on the human form.
ManneQuinPRO lets you create accurate, three-dimensional humanoids on
your PC that will measure the impact of ergonomics on products,
equipment and facilities. Move them to any human-compatible position
and view them from any angle, distance or perspective.
Then print, plot or export to other graphics software.
It's the perfect tool for designers, engineers, architects, safety
officials - anyone concerned with creating designs that facilitate
human comfort, safety and usability.
The ManneQuin series of human modeling programs has been the most
successful in the world with thousands of users since the original
ManneQuin program was introduced in 1990.
Understand for Ada v1.4.410 HPUX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體)
Understand for Ada v1.4.395 英文正式版(開發環境軟體增援反向工程、自動文檔天生等)
Understand for Ada v1.4.393 HPUX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體增援源代碼反向工程/自動文檔天生/代碼導航和理解等)
Understand for Ada v1.4.410 IRIX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體)
Understand for Ada v1.4.393 IRIX 英文正式版(逆向工程軟體增援源代碼反向工程/自動文檔天生/代碼導航和理解等)
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