2011年6月25日 星期六
3rd PlanIt v8.0四.000 英文正式版(軌道設計輔助軟體)
3rd PlanIt v八.04.000 英文正式版(軌道設計輔助軟體)
商品名稱: 3rd PlanIt v八.04.000
商品分類: 3D動畫、模型、模具軟體
商品類型: 軌道設計輔助軟體
語系版本: 英文正式版
運行平台: WIN 9x/WIN ME/WIN NT/WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003
更新日期: 2007-12-29
熱門標籤: 軌道設計輔助軟體
3rd PlanIt 是一款先進的軌道設計輔助器材,可在3維環境下利便的進行設計!
The Premier Track Planning Tool for All Scales
Version 八 offers you unparalleled design capabilities for your
railroad layout. Built on a strong, innovative set of design
tools, the new 3D terrain and landscape features let you really
visualize your layout like never before. Its powerful Dynamic
Design Tools let you quickly build precise track of any design.
And a comprehensive suite of 3D Object Design Tools let you craft
buildings, rolling stock, equipment, automobiles, cranes, boats
and just about anything you can imagine.
High-speed, textured, 3D rendering brings life to your track plan.
You can position your viewpoint at any location to evaluate your
design. And when you're done, you can print 1:1 Cross-Sections so
you can cut bulkheads for the terrain you've designed. 3rd PlanIt
is a complete package, from CAD design, to simulation, to aids for
building your design.
Take a tour through Gerry Baldwin's HO layout, complete with
backdrop, tunnels, rolling stock, terrain and buildings. He's even
entered his layout room in detail, complete with desk and chair,
carpeting and transparent windows, With 3rd PlanIt, you can plan
your layout to whatever level of detail you like!
The Standard Library with Automatic Rescaling makes all objects
available in all scales so you can easily place buildings and
rolling stock in any scale drawing. This allows you to easily use
buildings designed for another scale in your track plan as
placeholders, or templates for scratchbuilding.
Other recent additions allow you to rotate, tilt and roll objects
around their centers. The new Multi-Sense User Interface offers
every user a work environment they find preferable. If you're a
user of AutoCAD* or another program with a "Click-Move-Click"
interface, you'll be right at home on this new version of 3rd
PlanIt. In its standard mode, you can free intermix "Press-Move-
Release" control with "Click-Move-Click". Or, you can set the
program to use only a single interface style, optimized for
familiarity and convenience.
3rd PlanIt v9.01.001 英文正式版(軌道設計輔助軟體)
3rd PlanIt v八.05.003 英文正式版(軌道設計輔助器材軟體)
3rd PlanIt v八.00.0八2.1065 英文正式版(3維環境軌道設計輔助軟體)
3rd PlanIt v9.02.001 英文正式版(軌道設計輔助軟體)
3rd PlanIt v八.05.002 英文正式版(軌道設計輔助器材軟體)
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